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PSAI Health Plan Info Session 1

Offer more affordable health benefits to your employees with our new plan

Tuesday, November 8, 2022
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM (EST)

Zoom meeting

Event Details

PSAI is thrilled to announce a brand new benefit to all U.S.-based PSAI Members. Beginning in 2023, you can now enroll your employees in the PSAI Health Plan as a way to offer affordable, comprehensive coverage to your employees. Join us for an informational session to learn more so you can be ready to enroll for the 2023 new year! 

Can't make the info session? Get more details and take the first steps toward enrollment by visiting the World Insurance website

Have more questions? Contact our office at

For More Information:

Veronica Crosier
Veronica Crosier
Executive Director Portable Sanitation Association International