One of the early challenges of the portable sanitation industry was to introduce this new technology to the general public. What are these products...
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PSAI is excited to announce that we, along with several of our esteemed members, were featured in a recent episode of Freakonomics: The Economics of...
Read PostWith the 47th Annual Nuts & Bolts Conference in February 2024 in Scottsdale, Arizona, you may be curious as to how these internationally recognized...
Read PostPortable sanitation had a role to play in 1999 as the world raced to reconfigure computer systems ahead of Y2K. What was Y2K and why was it so...
Read PostFrom the first motorized sewage truck patent in 1907 by American inventor George Blickensderfer to today, service trucks for portable sanitation...
Read PostImagine a world where personal computers are a rarity, cell phones are in early development and coverage is lacking, printed and hand-drawn maps are...
Read PostHoney Bucket (based in Puyallup, Washington) is a long-time pioneer in our industry. They're doing it again with electric trucks! Honey Bucket put...
Read PostIn London in the early 1920s, an entrepreneur named Ephraim Louis Jackson identified a need for indoor sanitation in these new areas where sewage...
Read PostBona Vita Benefits Group is the new broker for the PSAI Employee Health Benefit Plan
Read PostYour input on the annual ServiceCore survey helps us better understand where the industry is heading and how we can support growth and success for...
Read PostA PSAI member provided the portable sanitation units during construction of the CN Tower—still the tallest structure in the western hemisphere
Read PostWe have all heard that our industry had its beginnings in the shipyards during World War II—but how did this happen?
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