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Virtual Educational Conference and Trade Show

Tuesday, November 17, 2020 at 1:00 PM (CST) to Friday, November 20, 2020 at 2:00 PM (CST)

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Event Details

For More Information:

Todd Ginter
Todd Ginter
Marketing Manager (952)854-8300

The PSAI will be hosting its first ever virtual educational conference and trade show November 17-20. This event combines the postponed convention and trade show originally scheduled in March 2020 and the Nuts & Bolts Educational Conference that was to be held in Reno, Nevada. This is the world’s premier education and trade show event focused solely on portable sanitation. Whether you are a portable restroom veteran, just opened your business or are somewhere in between, you will find this conference and trade show to provide the top notch information relevant to your situation. Get all the details on our event page by clicking the blue button -- or register now by clicking the green button above. See you there!