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Authorization to Test (ATT)

In order to become certified through the PSAI you must first acquire an Authorization to Test (ATT). This purchase is step one of that process.

Upon making this purchase you must complete and send in to the PSAI ( the following items:

PLEASE NOTE: If you plan to test at your site you will be asked to provide a date and time for when you wish to sit for your exam. The PSAI requires four weeks advance notice. You will also be reponsible for finding a person in your area to act as a proctor for your exam. The PSAI will need the contact information for that person at the same time you provide your proposed exam date.

Once we receive the appropriate forms and payment you will be assigned an ATT number, which will be good for one year. If you fail to schedule or sit for your exam within 365 days of procuring an ATT number, your ATT will expire, and you will need to begin the process again to receive another.

Non-Member Price: $85
Member Price: $65