Virtual Educational Conference Materials

Welcome to the PSAI's Virtual Educational Conference materials page! This event was free to all PSAI members -- and nonmembers were invited to try us out for a day too! We wanted everyone to come together, learn together, and benefit from the shared wisdom in our industry. Check out the full schedule at right, and access the recordings below. Our content included:

Expert speakers and panels: We offered professionals who are knowledgeable about topics and issues relevant to portable sanitation. 

HOLLway sessions: These Hands-On Learning Labs featured teams of frontline practitioners sharing and demonstrating practical tips and lessons learned in the field.

Roundtable discussions: The PSAI's roundtables are one of the most popular things about PSAI events. Participants shared real-life experiences, asked questions, learned from one another and from subject matter experts who facilitated the discussion. 



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Recordings by Day

Tuesday - Industry Day

10:00 am CDT

Inside Rental: ARA's Look Down the Road

COVID has changed things, and the next few years will be different than those that have gone before. This session looked at data gathered by ARA and discussed what it portends for the rental industry in the years ahead, giving you insight that will aid your business planning and execution today.

12:00 pm CDT 

Post-COVID World: Updating Our Standards for Worksites, Fields, Labor Camps, and Events

Every five years the PSAI leads a process by which ANSI standards related to the portable sanitation industry are updated. This session looked at the impact the recent pandemic and other factors have had on the industry, what it likely means for the future, and offered a preliminary outline on how the standards will likely be updated. Participants learned how they can get involved in the process of updating the standards and providing comments as well as how they can leverage the standards to provide better experiences for users.

1:30 pm CDT 

Roundtable I: Evolving Water Storage/Truck Design

Hand washing is in high demand. More customers require fresh water for cleaning and other needs. How will your trucks need to evolve to meet these new requirements? This roundtable featured discussion on things that have been tried, ideas under consideration, and a lot of sharing of needs in the field.

Roundtable II: Grow Your Business with Specialized Trailers

Portable restroom trailers, showers, and laundry trailers are growing in popularity. There's money to be made—but is investing in this high-end equipment right for your business and your market? Learn from others' experiences as they explored these questions at the live event.

Wednesday - Service Personnel Day

10:00 am CDT

HOLLway I: Tips and Tricks of Servicing

If you are a service technician or you supervise them, this session is for you. Many shortcuts harm quality. The tips in this session will save you time and money, without compromising the excellence your customers deserve. 

HOLLway II: Maintaining Restroom Trailers in the Yard and Field

Trailers are complicated and valuable pieces of equipment. This session covered the things you need to focus on to keep them in tip-top shape, ensuring the equipment isn't damaged and users are dazzled.

12:00 pm CDT

HOLLway III: Placing Sinks in the Field for Use and Service

Hand washing has always been important, but in the post-COVID world it dominates site considerations like never before. Learn the latest thinking on how to best place these units so that users can make the most of them, service is simplified, and theft is minimized.

Roundtable I: Dealing with Difficult Job Sites and Difficult Customers

No matter what you do, you'll always have complicated sites where more than average consideration needs to be given to everything from arrival and service to billing and follow up. Learn from others as they discussed how they handle these challenging situations.

2:15 pm CDT 

Roundtable II: Service Tech Brainstorm-Procedural Changes to Improve Service Efficiency

The people who do any job are generally terrific sources of insight about how it can be done better. This session explored ideas and observations about how to improve things in the field without sacrificing quality or profit.

Roundtable III: Route Service Techs and Field Sales

Generally speaking, service technicians have more contact with customers than anybody else in the company. This discussion focused on the best ways to leverage their relationships and knowledge of what is happening on site to boost sales and improve customer experiences with your company.

Thursday - Sales and Support Staff Day

10:00 am CDT 

The Future of Large Special Events

COVID has been a game-changer in the event industry. As events start anew, the people who work them expect their safety and health will be protected. Meanwhile, attendees will bring their own beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes with them as they enter the gat. Portable sanitation companies will need to respond to all of this, and help their customers do so as well. Our speaker--an expert on the considerations that will be necessary for large events--discussed the various considerations for getting it right in 2021 when Covid is still a factor but people are itching to gather.

12:00 pm CDT 

Panel: Promote, Find, Bid and Succeed with Special Events in 2021

A panel of portable sanitation company leaders with experience in marketing, sales, and delivering events in the post-pandemic world shared their insights and lessons learned. Whether you plan to rush wholeheartedly back into the event business or to take it slowly, you won't want to miss what these people had to say about the promises and pitfalls of this kind of contract in 2021.

1:30 pm CDT 

Roundtable I: Recruit and Retain Personnel

Having the best team possible is key to your company's success. With so much competition for drivers, sales staff, and other pros, you need to be sure you're doing everything you can to find and keep good people. Nobody has a silver bullet, but this discussion focused on what is–and isn't–working for portable sanitation companies trying to round out their staff teams.

Roundtable II: Letting the Company Grow Up

Portable sanitation companies often start as very small businesses. With success and growth come dilemmas. Do we keep our growth down so we can control everything directly? Or do we find a way to let go and turn parts of the operation over to others? What are the pros and cons of each? How have other companies navigated these questions? Review this video and find out how your portable sanitation colleagues are handling things.

About Our Speakers

Tony Conant is the Chief Executive Officer at American Rental Association. He joined ARA in November 2016 and is responsible for enabling operational excellence across the organization and building capabilities to support ARA’s strategic plan. His professional experience includes over 20 years working in operations and supply chain functions at world-class companies like Intel, BASF, Whirlpool and Bank of America. Prior to ARA, he was the Chief Operating Officer at the Institute for Supply Management, a not-for-profit association focused on the supply chain management profession. He earned a BS degree in Operations Management from Madonna University and an MBA from the University of Florida. He also completed his Six Sigma Black Belt certification from the University of California at San Diego.

Steven A. Adelman is head of Adelman Law Group, PLLC in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, and Vice President of the Event Safety Alliance. His practice focuses on risk and safety at live events throughout North America, and he serves as an expert witness in crowd-related lawsuits. Steve Adelman is principal author of the authoritative Crowd Management standard, ANSI ES1.9-2020, and lead author of the Event Safety Alliance Reopening Guide, which has been translated into nearly a dozen languages. He is a law professor, author of the “Adelman on Venues” blog, and he recently has served as health and safety director for a series of live events in the United States.

Thank You To Our Sponsors

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This event was free to you because of generous assistance from our sponsors—companies you work with and depend on every day.

Be sure to thank them for their support of the PSAI!

Event Policies

Continuing Education Credit

The content of the PSAI's educational conferences is widely accepted for continuing education hours. If you attended live, check with us to see if your state/licensing body has approved the courses you want to take. You can also submit the detailed agenda here when you ask for credit. Let us know if you need documentation from us showing your attendance.

Note: to be eligible for this documentation you must have (1) registered under your own email address; (2) signed in to the sessions via chat using that address as described during the announcement period; (3) used a camera so that we can verify you are physically present during the live session; and (4) arrived on time/stayed to the end. Most licensing bodies will not accept CE hours from watching recordings or where your participation cannot be verified.  If you are a Certified Portable Sanitation Professional or Apprentice, these courses count for your CE requirements.

Please also see our other event policies for information related to this and all PSAI events: