Benefit 1: Education and Networking
The PSAI’s the place where smart people in the portable sanitation industry connect and learn. We offer frequent virtual roundtable discussions with industry members to share emerging ideas and solve industry-specific issues that can arise during times like the COVID-19 epidemic or natural disasters. If you are new in the industry and need a mentor, we’ll help you find someone. And of course, our educational conferences, conventions, and trade shows are great places for members to gather, learn and meet business contacts. |
Benefit 2: Current News in Portable Sanitation
Bi-weekly e-newsletters and periodic industry alerts keep you connected with news and resources from PSAI. Everyone in your company is welcome to sign up for the newsletter. We add blog posts with Member Spotlights, PSAI PRO-Files, and industry news several times a month. |
Benefit 3: Industry-Specific Resources
The PSAI offers a members-only portable sanitation-specific resource library online, and we publish a comprehensive Industry Resource Directory annually, full of data, regulations, and best practices you can place right at your fingertips. When you call, we work to find answers to your business-related questions. |
Benefit 4: Member-Only Listserv
When you subscribe to the PSAI listserv, you have access to the wisdom of your colleagues and peers. It's like having a seat at one of our in-person roundtables whenever you need it! Learn more about getting started
Benefit 5: Listing in Our Online Locator

Customers can easily find you using our location-based finder tool for portable restroom operators or our industry supplier listing on
Benefit 6: Training and Certification
The PSAI’s credential for Portable Sanitation Professionals and its portable sanitation-specific training courses are approved for continuing education and licensing in many locations around the world. We also offer a credential for apprentices, and are currently developing modified and translated courses for international use. |
Benefit 7: Standards and Excellence
The PSAI is the recognized expert on issues related to portable sanitation. Members help create, communicate, and raise these standards. When you are a member, you play an active part in working toward a world in which portable sanitation is viewed as a respected alternative and a vital resource. Members can use the PSAI’s “Proud Member” logo to tell customers you are on board with excellence. |
Benefit 8: Scholarship Fund
Each year, the PSAI awards at least five $5,000 scholarships to students from the families of eligible member company employees. Scholarships are available for full or part-time students attending undergrad or vocational schools. Scholarships may be applied to many international education institutes as well. |
Benefit 9: Help Educating Consumers
The PSAI has information to educate customers and the public about portable sanitation. Resources like our website, pamphlets, flyers, and decals all help you tell the story in a neutral and professional way. We are in the process of repositioning the portable sanitation industry so that it is viewed as a respected alternative by those who use it. You can be part of making that happen. |
Benefit 10: Purchasing Program
PSAI members and their employees have access to reduced prices on goods like office supplies, cell phones, electronics, and travel through our relationship with National Purchasing Partners. |
Benefit 11: Strategic Alliances
Through our agreements with the American Rental Association and other organizations, you receive additional publications, access to training programs, and reduced fee tickets to WWETT with your PSAI membership. |
Benefit 12: Employee Health Benefit Program
PSAI member companies may opt to enroll their employees in the PSAI Employee Health Benefit program to offer affordable care from a wide range of plans no matter how many employees you have.